

Branded Air Purifiers at Best Prices

The Air inside our homes is not fit to breathe. This is a serious issue which need utmost attention as the oxygen in the air is “pranavayu” inhaled to live. The quality of oxygen entering into our body system has vital importance because this affects ones health. Today’s city life is power packed with pollution which cannot be restricted, but our houses can be kept clean and safe.

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All of us have a safe and secure feeling at house but this is actually not true, without our knowledge we are succumbed to many of our house pollutants.  Dust mites that stick to sofas; carpets, blankets and the one that settles in cup boards etc revolve inside the house itself despite of dusting. Pets like dogs and cats left over hair, and other excretes, cooking in the kitchen delivers some smells, bacteria, pollen, mould and fungus etc. Air conditioned rooms are always kept closed which hardly enables fresh air to get in. So no doubt houses are also not safe and secure.

Home, Automotive, Office and schools and others are the places we dwell and spend 90% of our average time in a day, then in the outdoor. The air we breathe in closed shelters affects the normal airway by making it into constricted that leads to chronic obstructive diseases like cold, cough, asthma, Flu/influenza, throat infection, morning allergy, wheezing, tuberculosis and other ailments, most of the time children are more exposed seriously to all these ailments as their resistance to  diseases are lean. As per the statistics in India they are 1/3rd population that suffer from Asthma.

The answer and remedy for all these ailments is Air purifier, which is a necessary commodity in today’s life style: The possible pollution that could harm human health is classified into 5 categories like:

Category 1: Dust, Smoke, Pollen, Pet Dander can be filtered through Air Purifier particle arrester which is also called as HEPA

Category 2: Smell, Gases, VOC( volatile organic compound), Toxins

Category 3: Static Charge

Category 4: Virus, Bacteria, Mould, Fungus, Dust Mites

Category 5: Suffocation, Staleness( Recycling of Air)

All these categorized pollutants are filtered with the superior technology used in Air Purifiers

  • It refreshes air and emits fresh air
  • Completely purifies obnoxious smell
  • Disposes Static electricity
  • Reduces skin irritation

Amazon, Flipkart, and Snadeal are few online retailers from where one would get the best branded Air Purifiers. Just use the  Amazon Coupons, Flipkart Coupons and Snapdeal Coupons to get discounts on Air Purifiers.

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