Cloudways Coupon Codes & Offers for February 2025


40% OFF for 4 Months on all hosting plans

Get a 40% discount for a duration of 4 months on all hosting plans.

Get $150 hosting credit for free. 10% of your monthly invoices will be deducted from this credit.

Receive $150 in complimentary hosting credit. Enjoy a 10% deduction from your monthly invoices using this credit.

Get $100 free hosting credit

Receive $100 worth of complimentary hosting credit.

15% OFF for upto 3 months.

Get a discount of 15% for a maximum of three months.

25% discount for 2 months on all plans

Get a fantastic 25% off on all plans for a duration of 2 months.

Get $25 hosting credit for FREE by signing up for a free trial on Cloudways platform.

Sign up for a free trial on the Cloudways platform and receive $25 hosting credit for free. With this credit, you can run a $7/month DigitalOcean 1core/512MB/20GB/1TB instance for free for three months.

25% Discount for 2 Months on all plans except 512mb & 768mb plans.

Get a 25% discount for 2 months on all plans, excluding the 512MB and 768MB plans.

25% for the next 3 Months

Save 25% over the course of the next 3 months.

FREE Hosting on Digital Ocean infrastructure with Cloudways Managed Cloud Platform for 2 Months

Take advantage of our exclusive summer promotion and enjoy FREE hosting on the robust Digital Ocean infrastructure, combined with the powerful Cloudways Managed Cloud Platform. For a limited time, you can experience the benefits of this unbeatable combination for a full two months without any charges.

Cloudways Offers & Discounts

Pick provides its customers the convenience of developing, monitoring and managing spectacular web apps

Find offers its customers the ease of developing, monitoring, and managing impressive web apps without the hassle of dealing with the cloud infrastructure.


About Cloudways

Cloudways is a cloud platform (PaaS) that offers an extremely easy way to deploy, monitor, and manage high performance applications on top of major cloud infrastructure providers. We free our customers from cloud infrastructure pains, so they can fully focus on developing great web application. Plus, our round-the-clock support team assists you with technical troubles that may hinder the flawless functioning of your web apps.. Apply above Cloudways Coupon Codes at checkout or payment page of to get discount...Shop now at

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